My New Life

Hi World!  This is the first day of my new life.  I have lived for the past 12 weeks or so with my mom and dad, brothers and I'm playing it cool with my new human Momsisters, and some cats.  Mom must have been pretty hungry at times, because she kept eating the new kittens.

Anyway, I left the farm today to go and live with my new human parents, Kerry and Sheri.  Yeah, I didn’t know what was going on at first.  All I knew was that I had to go in the car with this other noisy puppy.  She was much bigger than me, and liked to bark a lot.  When I met my new human parents, I just played it cool, and didn’t jump up and down, or lick them all over the place.

ApprehensiveIt was a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon, and I had to keep riding in cars.  I just wanted to get out and play in the grass.  Oh well, I rode on my new Dad’s lap without getting scared or anything.  They didn’t seem scared, either.

We finally arrived at my new house, and I met my new playmates – the cats.  Boy, will I have fun now.  The cats don’t seem to like to play much, because all they do is run away from me, growl, or make a hissing sound.  Oh well, I’ll have to keep trying.  Maybe someday soon we’ll be able to play ball together or something.

Oh, and I met my new sisters – the chickens – today.  They were pretty scary.  You can see in the video that I was pretty nervous about it.  See, the one thing that happened that I didn’t like was that mom left me outside while she went into the house to do something.  These mean chickens came up to me, and started threatening me.  I’m just a little guy, so what could I do but yell, and run into the corner.  Beulah (the biggest chicken) was right on me trying to peck at me and making a lot of noise.  It really scared me.  Dad had to come and rescue me.  He said I was yelping for my life, but I just didn’t want to get hurt. I hope those mean chickens don’t come at me ever again!

So, I was pretty tired tonight, and fell asleep on the couch.  When mom and dad went to sleep, they put me into a cage type thing, and I didn’t like that at all.  I kept trying, but couldn’t get out.  I got pretty tired out.  I think I fell asleep for awhile, but not too long.  How could I sleep locked up in this cell thing?

It was a very exhausting day.

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