The Center of Attention

I had a lot of fun today.  Dad and I went for a walk.  It’s so funny, too.  People want to talk to me everywhere I go.  It’s annoying sometimes, because they always want to pick me up, or pat my head or something.  I usually just take it with a yawn.

Riley chilling at the teller counter during his walk.

What else could I do but just lay there?

Riley chilling at the teller counter.

Just chilling at the teller counter.

So, we went to a bank place.  I don’t know what they do there, but dad put me up on the counter, and I just sat there.  The ladies were nice, and gave me a treat.  I didn’t know what it was at first, but when I bit into it I found it tasted pretty good.  So I just ate it.  When dad was done with what he was doing, he just put the envelope in his pocket, and we went back outside.  It was raining again a little bit.  I had fun running and walking, though.

Riley posing (sort of) next to real estate sign.

Do I have to pose by this sign?

On the way back home we checked out a couple of side streets.  I found a sign for the place where mom works.  Dad tried to get me to pose by it, but I wanted to just play.

Riley sleeping on the kitchen floor.

My preferred sleeping place.

I was getting kind of tired, too, so I was glad we were almost home.

When we got home I just wanted to lay down and sleep.  Dad thinks it’s funny that I lay down on the hard kitchen floor, but I like it because it’s cooler than being outside in the warm air.  Sometimes humans just don’t understand having all this fur.  They get to change their fur whenever they want, but I can’t take mine off.

You know what’s fun, though?  When they take their fur things (or skin – I’m not sure)  off, I like to grab and pull at them.  Sometimes mom and dad laugh, but most of the time they tell me to STOP!

Day Four

This is my “room”.

Dad put me in my “room” last night.  I didn’t like it at all.  This time he didn’t stay in the room with me.  He put a thing in the room with me that has a light and makes sounds like the forest.  Why would he think I want the sound of the forest at night?  All I want is to stay with mom and dad at night.

I didn’t get much sleep, because I was trying to let anyone (who would listen) know that I wanted out.  I showed my displeasure with the room by tearing around with the bed today.  I chewed up the tag and the black string on the bottom.  I gave it what for!

It rained again almost every time dad took me outside today.  I think what he is telling me when we go outside is that he wants me to go to the bathroom.  I tease him a little, and just fall over on my side when he puts me down in the grass, or I’ll just sit down for awhile.  It’s a fun game.  I just always have to watch out for those mean chickens.

Dad and I went for a walk today.  It was a long ways.  I mean, we had to cross some paths that had lots of big things with round black wheels moving towards us.  I think they are called cars.  Humans like to go in these and scare me sometimes.  We ended up at a big building where dad picked me up and carried me inside.  I think he said it was a post office (whatever that is).  Lots of people like to stop and talk to me.  I don’t know why – you would think they have never seen a puppy dog before.  It’s fun, and I just sit there, or lick their hands and faces.

Day Three

I got put in my “room” again last night.  Dad laid down on the floor by me, but I didn’t buy it.  I pretended to fall asleep, and when he got up and left I let him know about it.  It didn’t work, though.  He didn’t come back until morning.  I don’t like that room at all, and I showed them by turning my bed all upside down, and chewing on it.  Maybe that will teach them.

I finally had to go poo last night.  I did a big one in the back yard.  I think dad was happy, because he patted me, and talked all nice to me.

It still rained a lot today, so dad only took me out to the back yard once in awhile.  He kept telling me the same thing, so I just did my business.  I had to do it, anyway, so why not in the grass.  I have to watch out for the mean old chickens, though.  They like to come after me if I get too close.

I found chicken poo in the yard.  It tastes good.  I like to lick it.  I don’t think dad likes me doing that, because he keeps picking me up and saying, “NO!”  I’ll have to be sneaky about finding it.

No pictures today.

Day Two

Today was the first day at my new home.  Even though last night was sort of rough, I am growing to like my new digs, and my new human mom and dad.  Dad kept taking me outside all day and telling me to do something, but I wasn’t sure what he wanted.  Remember I don’t speak or write human too well.  So, I just peed on the grass thinking that might make him happy.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I didn’t have to do anything else.  Normally I might have had to poo, but everything has changed so much in my life that I wasn’t even thinking about that right now.  Besides, it was raining outside every time we went out there.

I ate quite a bit today.  Mom found out that I LOVE raw hamburger.  It seems like the hamburger they give me is better than what I used to have in my old home.  The kibble tastes better, too, and I don’t feel hungry so much.

Dad and I went walking this afternoon.  It was rainy, but we had fun.  He kept up with me really well.  I like getting out to see the neighborhood.

I only hope dad doesn’t make me go in my “room” again tonight.

My New Life

Hi World!  This is the first day of my new life.  I have lived for the past 12 weeks or so with my mom and dad, brothers and I'm playing it cool with my new human Momsisters, and some cats.  Mom must have been pretty hungry at times, because she kept eating the new kittens.

Anyway, I left the farm today to go and live with my new human parents, Kerry and Sheri.  Yeah, I didn’t know what was going on at first.  All I knew was that I had to go in the car with this other noisy puppy.  She was much bigger than me, and liked to bark a lot.  When I met my new human parents, I just played it cool, and didn’t jump up and down, or lick them all over the place.

ApprehensiveIt was a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon, and I had to keep riding in cars.  I just wanted to get out and play in the grass.  Oh well, I rode on my new Dad’s lap without getting scared or anything.  They didn’t seem scared, either.

We finally arrived at my new house, and I met my new playmates – the cats.  Boy, will I have fun now.  The cats don’t seem to like to play much, because all they do is run away from me, growl, or make a hissing sound.  Oh well, I’ll have to keep trying.  Maybe someday soon we’ll be able to play ball together or something.

Oh, and I met my new sisters – the chickens – today.  They were pretty scary.  You can see in the video that I was pretty nervous about it.  See, the one thing that happened that I didn’t like was that mom left me outside while she went into the house to do something.  These mean chickens came up to me, and started threatening me.  I’m just a little guy, so what could I do but yell, and run into the corner.  Beulah (the biggest chicken) was right on me trying to peck at me and making a lot of noise.  It really scared me.  Dad had to come and rescue me.  He said I was yelping for my life, but I just didn’t want to get hurt. I hope those mean chickens don’t come at me ever again!

So, I was pretty tired tonight, and fell asleep on the couch.  When mom and dad went to sleep, they put me into a cage type thing, and I didn’t like that at all.  I kept trying, but couldn’t get out.  I got pretty tired out.  I think I fell asleep for awhile, but not too long.  How could I sleep locked up in this cell thing?

It was a very exhausting day.