The Center of Attention

I had a lot of fun today.  Dad and I went for a walk.  It’s so funny, too.  People want to talk to me everywhere I go.  It’s annoying sometimes, because they always want to pick me up, or pat my head or something.  I usually just take it with a yawn.

Riley chilling at the teller counter during his walk.

What else could I do but just lay there?

Riley chilling at the teller counter.

Just chilling at the teller counter.

So, we went to a bank place.  I don’t know what they do there, but dad put me up on the counter, and I just sat there.  The ladies were nice, and gave me a treat.  I didn’t know what it was at first, but when I bit into it I found it tasted pretty good.  So I just ate it.  When dad was done with what he was doing, he just put the envelope in his pocket, and we went back outside.  It was raining again a little bit.  I had fun running and walking, though.

Riley posing (sort of) next to real estate sign.

Do I have to pose by this sign?

On the way back home we checked out a couple of side streets.  I found a sign for the place where mom works.  Dad tried to get me to pose by it, but I wanted to just play.

Riley sleeping on the kitchen floor.

My preferred sleeping place.

I was getting kind of tired, too, so I was glad we were almost home.

When we got home I just wanted to lay down and sleep.  Dad thinks it’s funny that I lay down on the hard kitchen floor, but I like it because it’s cooler than being outside in the warm air.  Sometimes humans just don’t understand having all this fur.  They get to change their fur whenever they want, but I can’t take mine off.

You know what’s fun, though?  When they take their fur things (or skin – I’m not sure)  off, I like to grab and pull at them.  Sometimes mom and dad laugh, but most of the time they tell me to STOP!